domenica 5 aprile 2009


... it has been a strange trip this time. Not just fun, not just perils but a mixture of confused emotions: happyness tingled with sarcasm; fear tinged with laughs, tiredness meshed with willingness to stand up to the first hours of the dawn. You'll be asking why ? Well, exactly I don't know but a numbers of factors prompted it. Stood up at 4 a.m, we gather under my place to settle the luggages in the BMW and take the first coffee of the day. We drive towards Bergamo Orio Al serio, which is a small hub near Milan for low-cost companies. Our destination is Budapest, the capital of a country with a glorious past that nowadays tries to cope with the capitalistic regime of the Occidental Europe, and to my opinion, it has learned its rules very fastly. You can see many of those logos and wall-dashboards full of advertising for well-reputed brand multinationals. Vaci Utca, in the City Center, welcomes our arrival smoothly: plenty of shops and restaurants, boutiques and all it takes to make a great Venue. Oh sorry, I didn't introduce my friends: their names are Angelo, Saro and Salvo three truly-Sicilian natives which are still grasped to the values and culture of their beloved island. Back to story, we spend the day sight seeing, as tourists with plenty of time to waste around. Saro, tough, gets stuck on two average beauties: rituals time follow!

The ladies suggest a restaurant nearby and we, having lost our capacity of reasoning, decide to follow through. Restaurant's name is "Galaxia", right close to the more familiar (as cousine is Italian) "Vapiano" restaurant, on Vaci Utca's parallel street: what attracts our eyeballs is waiters' cleavage, to which we react enthusiastically, completely losing our mind control. The ladies with us order a Martini, me and my friends just a Whiskey coke. Before we can take our first sip, the seductive waiter is already there for next round of drinks. Something is weird, we can't still realize exactly what: the pressure of the waiters, the ladies with us stepping on the second drink, while haven't finished their first. The story stinks, we decide to cut trough bringing the bill. I am in charge of communicating the amount and I can't believe my eyes, having too difficulties into computing the local currency: 96.000 "Hungarian fiorins", which is approximately 320 Euro....damned! This is what is called an "inculata" (I still feel the pain) to methaforically recall the act of ...well I guess you understood the feeling. Shutting doors and yelling, we abandon the place and decide to take it easy: night is long and there are plenty of things to do, so we end up partying around the city trying to forget such a scam.

2 0' CLOCK, NEXT DAY: beams of light get through the curtain of our hotel room and the cleaning ladies knock at our door: too bad to ruin my dream! With difficulties, we get ready to start the second day as tourists. Young Hungarians gather into Erzsebet ter, a nice square where a public demonstration is taking place against the strict protectionism imposed by police. My friend have always distinguished for being social animals, so they start out introducing theirselves with everybody, or almost..I get to know an actress which is "in her words" attempting to become famous in the theatre star system. It's indeed a nice conversation just interrupted by Angelo's voice referring that they are going back to hotel. Bad choice, that was indeed a bad choice and you'll understand soon the reason. While coming back, as they will reer later on at the hotel, they got to see the ladies which scammed us the day before, alluring an ingenuous ( we too were actually) tourist: the perfect chance to plan for revenge, was my friends' first reaction! Bad bad idea: they burst into "galaxia restaurant" to save the poor tourist. Action..........Breaking through as army's militians, the mission is carried out, tourist save and we celebrate our revenge.
Beware folks not to go in this place as Italians from now on. They want to kill us and we have been obliged to leave the country in advance for fear of counter-revenge, but indeed we feel proud of it : hell yeahhhhhh !!
Until net time, BE WIRED.